03 April 2009

Crazy kind of day

Ok, i just posted at the other blog, essentially the same thing. But people actually read that blog. I don't think anyone does this one (can you say boring!).

I'm totally scattered today. Ate stuff i'm not suppose to eat. I don't know if that is the problem or the weather. Plus, i should not be hungry, but i am. Need to work on dinner before long. Have a lot of stuff yet to do, and here i am.

I'm sad to see all the sites dedicated to using coupons and "saving money." Some of them even post pics of what they've bought, & how much they have saved. But, 90% of it is processed "food" or worse, OTC drugs. The stuff that has no nourishment. Might as well eat cardboard. I'm serious about that. And the OTC drugs have been proven not to work and have really awful side effects. I don't comment about these posts at those sites. No point. But i find it very, very sad to see folks talking about saving money on things that will, eventually, cause obesity, infertility, ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, diabetes, heart problems, asthma, osteoporosis, cancers of all kinds, possibly contribute to autism and behavioral problems, oh, the list goes on and on.

I know conspiracy theories sound crazy, but it is hard sometimes not to believe that there is a conspiracy going on. The government subsidizes crops that are made into fake foods. The fake foods create desire for more fake foods & also creates chronic disease. Chronic disease equals lots of meds and doctor visits which provides lots of money to large corporations and creates more serious chronic disease. I know it sounds crazy, but the US spends more on subsidized food sources and medical care than any other industrial nation. But we have one of the worst health care systems when dealing with chronic disease and outcome. People think throwing more money at the government or health care is the answer, but it is NOT.

Change of pace.

Another thing i find sad is following some of the mommy blogs. I'm not sure why i'm doing it. It is especially hard to see families that have two or even three children under the age of 3. Kaylee would be three in May. The fact that more time goes on without a baby just gets harder and harder. Of course, i also read posts that remind me that things come in God's time, not ours. And i know that. And i'm wondering if it is time for me to accept that we may very well, in fact probably will not, have a family.

We don't have the resources to do IVF, and i've real issues about that anyway, for us, anyhow. I'm trying not to judge how other folks grow their families.

Even if we decided to head for adoption, that can be just as expensive as IVF, we haven't the resources to support a pregnant mama to be, and to be honest, i just can't see that someone would choose us anyway.

Foster care is a possibility, but i've issues with that as well. First i read a blog about one situation. They had had 2 little boys since they were very small. They were then 2 and  3 and didn't remember their mom. She was a drug addict, and had been "clean" for 3 months. The courts that had intended to let this couple adopt the boys decided to send the kids back to their mother. The couple was definitely bitter.

I also have issues with the foster system over medical treatment/using drugs.

So, the only option that seems to be open to us is to have our own children, and  it sure doesn't look like that is going to happen. If it does, however, it will certainly be a miracle from God.

Also, there is the issue of my fatigue. Would i even be able to parent, or would 90% of it fall to Duane? If it did, how would we manage that?

Another change of topic.

These are the things i have done on the quest of better health & getting pregnant/carrying a pregnancy (and have tried to be environmentally sound in the process):

  • candida cleanse
  • gluten-free eating
  • replaced all Teflon-coated cookware with corning ware
  • gotten off all Rx meds
  • quit all OTC meds as well
  • taken a variety of supplements
  • been careful about food choices trying to eliminate processed items
  • stopped using deodorant/antiperspirant
  • changed shampoos
  • changed skin care/moisturizers
  • changed hair color products
  • stopped using commercial cleaners
  • stopped using bleach
  • changed to natural products for laundry
  • changed to natural products for cleaning (vinegar, baking soda)
  • don't wear jewelry
  • seen a naturopath
  • worked with a couple of acupuncture folks
  • get regular chiropractic care
  • get semi-regular cranio-sacral & PT care
  • no amalgam dental fillings
  • drink a lot of water
  • carry glass water bottles rather than buying plastic
  • eat mostly organic foods
  • eat mostly vegetarian (not vegan)
  • have LOTS of folks praying
That last is not least. I can't think of other things i've done, but i've done quite a lot.

Enough! Time to go do other things.


Meadowlark said...

The only topic I can speak to is that the conspiracy is that "they" didn't create it intentionally, but now that they know about it, they STILL are trying to fool us. (for example: hfcs commercials. GRRRRR)

Amy Ellen said...

Praying for a baby... I know how deep that desire can be. You are doing such a good job.

Amy Ellen at HealthBeginsWithMom.com

Mrs. Mac said...

Your list here is similar to mine except for the first two. A few years ago I was under a lot of stress living 90 percent of the time on my own while hubby finished up his police job before retiring to the home we built 1400 miles away. I designed, over saw the construction and had to make 99 percent of the decisions. Our daughter got married, and I have a special needs child. Stress caused great fatigue and hives. I am now thinking it was either hormone related (I'm 50) and/or toxins that were set off from an allergic reaction I had to orange juice. If I mention this to any doctors, they don't know what to say.